Overlooked Indian Employment Tax Credit Opportunity

Oct 30, 2020

The Federal Indian Employment tax credit is a lucrative and often overlooked business tax credit. The credit equals 20% of an employee’s wages and companies can claim a federal tax credit of up $4,000 per employee.

Many companies who qualify for this credit do not capitalize upon this opportunity because of paperwork and employment screening. Silverlode has a unique and efficient process of identifying locations and employees who qualify for this credit and making the process simple for you.

To qualify, a company must be located on an Indian reservation or former Indian reservation in the state of Oklahoma. Approximately two-thirds of Oklahoma’s land qualifies as a former Indian reservation.

Eligible employees must be enrolled members of a federally recognized tribe including the Cherokee, Choctaw and Creek Tribes. Approximately 10% of Oklahoma’s population are members of a federally recognized tribe.

If your company is interested in learning more about the Federal Indian Employment tax credit, please contact Julie Dietz.